Filling in the pieces in black

They say "history is written by victors" when it comes to the Black experience and the racism that often impacts it. The negative ramifications of this quote in relation to colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade have corrupted the full truth of Black history. Filling in the Pieces in Black aims to help redress this imbalance by bringing together a collection of some of the most talented artists of today, and through the power of visual storytelling they Redefine the past, Refocus the present and Reshape the future. The visual identity we created for this exhibition was designed to be powerful yet minimalist, providing a backdrop that complements and amplifies the impact of the artwork, while effectively conveying the exhibition's narrative.

Project Scope

Visual Identity


Art Direction

Editorial Design

Marketing Material


June Sarpong

Project Type

Exhibition Design

Flannels Installation

The exhibition was expanded to feature an immersive installation at Flannels' flagship store on the iconic Oxford Street. Artwork decorated the building's exterior, while inside, visitors could intimately experience the art in a truly immersive setting. The installation showcased the artwork on 63 meters of seamless, floor-to-ceiling LED screens that wrapped around the interior.


The Siaw Misa Project did an incredible job with the brand and visual identity for Filling In The Pieces In Black. The work they did helped contextualise the missing jigsaw pieces of the full richness of the black experience.

June Sarpong OBE

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